Last weekend my husband, kids and I went on a drive around town before going to church. My husband noticed that they had opened a new Goodwill downtown. This one was pretty big. And as any good husband would do, he asked if I wanted to stop in and take a peek. Well, of course I dragged everyone inside to take a look around. I wanted to see if they had any wool skirts or coats that I could possibly use for my crafts. Well, I did find one skirt. But I guess that is pretty good being that I am in Texas, mind you. But I also found a mail, key holder that I will be painting for my sister-in-law. She wanted one for her kitchen and asked me to paint her one with grapes and wine on it. It's a nice one, but thankfully my husband was with me because inside it was a dead black widow. It was big, gross, and dead. But gross. Really gross. Did I mention I am afraid of spiders. I just about ran out of the store. But after it was disposed of I calmly walked around to see if there was anything else of interest and spider free. My kids dragged me over to the toys section(Ugh, like we don't have enough already) to try to convince me into buying them a toy. But something caught my eye. A fabric foot was sticking out from under some teddy bears. I pulled it out and about squealed with delight. It was a prim raggedy ann doll. It was handmade and signed!!!! It still even had a card on it from the person who made it. Now, let me tell you it is extremely hard to find or even come by anything prim here in Texas. So, I grabbed it and made a b-line for my hubby. When I told him what I found he politely( insert sarcastic laugh) rolled his eyes at me and looked at me like I was crazy. But who cares. Do you want to know what I spent on it?
That's right .99!!!!! I couldn't believe it. Here is a picture of her.
And here is a picture of the card that was pinned on her. I tried to find this woman's website. Or if she had a website. I can't find anything. I really love this doll and I was interested in finding out what other dolls she had to offer. I kinda feel bad in a way that I paid so little for such a lovely doll that was signed and hand stitched. It makes me wonder if the things I stitch and sell will one day find there way to a Goodwill store. Not that there is anything wrong with them. I love finding treasures at Goodwill or Salvation Army. It's just a little sad. Oh well, I just wanted to share with all of you my awesome find. I just couldn't keep it to myself!
Have a lovely Wednesday!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
She is so cute!
Why would someone give her up!She looks new!
She is signed & the tag with her, Wow, I find it just amazing!
Wow Lucky Gal!
She's too Cute...
Hey Gen - you were lucky today - cute raggedy! I keep waiting to find an exciting treasure at Goodwill. I usually only find wood pieces that I can do over.
Do you want wool? Living in New York State, it gets plenty cold up here, and I know there is plenty at the thrift stores. I'd be willing to grab some at goodwill and ship it down to you for the cost to me. Just let me know what you are looking for.
Hi Gen! Thanks for visitin' my blog:)
Wow, someone didn't know what they had hold of huh? Excellent prim dolly. Thank heavens that spider was dead. Someone like you, who hated spiders, mighta shut that ole black widow up in there. For sure you should check out the toys dept., ya never know what treasure you'll find:)
i have found a few neat dolls at GW. I love to find bargains. They make me smile!
You got a real honey!
Hi Gen: Awesome Annie find!! I love the card too...does it say "What's stitched with love will never be forgotten"? I can't see the end of the sentence....lovely!! I too live in New York and visit GW...I've been finding wool coats, blazers and such...I'll keep my eye out for ya...what colors are you looking for?? I only buy them when they are 1/2 price though..hehe I even found what I thought was a green ladies blazer made of plain ol' lambs wool but when I got it home and looked at the tag it says "cashmere" I'm keepin' it for myself! probably came from Tibet, India or Mongolia! That was an exciting day!!
What a great find!!!! I LOVE finding awesome treasures like this.
Ummmm Double yuck on the dead spider. I am so afraid of them too.
Score!!! I love a great goodwill find! She's adorable!
Carmen and the Primcats
Oh goodness, I hate spiders too but especially black widows! At the house I grew up in, they lived in our basement, EW! I hated it and never went down there. But yes, that's me too, I would have just about ran out the store too, haha!
I live in Oklahoma and there are no prims here either. Not even one prim shop in the whole state, so very sad. =[
I cannot believe you paid 99 cents for that precious Annie! How awesome that she is signed. Now that is a steal!!
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