- You must be a follower of my blog. If you sign up now that is ok. But you must be a follower.
2.)You must be a resident of the US. I don't ship outside the US. Sorry.
3.) Post my giveaway on your blog.
4.) For an extra entry in this giveaway you can go to my Etsy link and heart my shop. Once there, tell me what your favorite item is. ( just click on my etsy box to the right. It should take you to my shop.) Let me know you did this so I can put your name in twice.
5.) Only post your entry on this post. If you post anywhere else it won't count.
6.) Please leave your email if you don't have a blog. I need to contact you somehow if you are a winner .
And that's it. You get Lenore the witchy raven, pumpkin pin keep, prim pumpkin, grungy light wrapped in prim cheese cloth (tin is not included), fall harvest black beeswax tarts(they smell sooooooooooo yummy!)
and a mystery item!
Good luck to all who enter!
and the giveaway ends when I reach 100 followers!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
Hi Gen,
Please enter me into your giveaway!!!
I am, of course, a follower.
I will be posting about your giveaway on my sidebar.
I also went to your esty shop and hearted it.
I loved all your items but I think my two favorites may be the shofly cover and Witchy Raven.
Hope you are having a fabulous weekend!!
Take Care,
hey there gen ,well u know i want in too sweetie.I luv Lenore so much!I will post this on my sidebar as well.thank u.blessings michelle
Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway. I am a follower & I have posted your giveaway in my blog side bar.
hey gen i just wanted to let u know that i finally figured out how to heart on etsy lol.of course it was Lenore and blair too.thanks again blessings michelle
What a delightful giveaway! Please enter me!
I am a follower.
I am posting on my sidebar.
I have marked your etsy as a favorite.
My favorite is the shoo fly screen--love it!
★ Linda ★
Hi Gen, please enter me in your give away!
I am a follower and I will post this on
my blog for you. I love the raven!
Bear Hugs~Karen
Oh my goodness Gen what a generous giveaway!! I LOVE everything you have made girl you are talented! Please enter me in your giveaway.Oh by the way thank you so much for joining my new blog I really appreciate it.
Hi Genevieve,
I have enjoyed following your blog for a little bit now,
I think your giveaway is so great! So generous!
Also love your stuff! I love the shoo fly cover in your shop, I have been looking for one for a while, I may have to snag it up.
I would love a chance, I have posted it on my blog.
Good luck on your way to 100 followers! Stop by my blog and sign up for my giveaway too if you like!
Hi Gen
Wow, great giveaway!! Please enter me,I am a follower, posted this on my blog and visited Etsy and hearted you. My fav on Etsy is the Old Style Book, I love everything though.
What a great fall giveaway! My fave item in your etsy shop is the raven, but everything you make is nice and unique. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway. Thanks!
Hi Geneviene,
What a great giveaway! I am a follower, I am putting your giveaway on my sidebar at primcrafts.blogspot.com, and I hearted your shop and the two items I love. The shoofly and the crow Lenore.
Please enter me and congrats on almost 100 followers!! I hope to get there soon. Then I will do a great giveaway so follow me and keep checking to see when it might be!!!
Prim Blessings,
Hi Gen~
What a wonderful giveaway!! I would love to be entered to win. I am a follower & have posted on my blog sidebar.
Oh how I would love to win this give away.
Please enter me.
I am a follower.
Love your etsy items.
My favorite is the old book and the raven.
Hello Genevieve, I went to your etsy shop and I love Lenore, and you shoo fly.
I am a follower
I will post on my blog sidebar
And I love your pay it forward idea I have it marked to check each week I will participate by adding the button to my blog for sure.
The Rusty Thimble
Please, please enter me!!
Your stuff is beautiful!
Awesome giveaway! Please enter me!
Hi Gen: Count me in for 2...I'm a follower,and I've posted your giveaway. For the life of me I do not know how to heart a shop or an item....how do I do that? I looove your Blair witch with her little miss G
I am your newest follower! I posted this on the sidebar of my primitives blog.
Thanks for the chance to win one of your awesome hand mades! Now to check out the rest of your blog.
Oh wow!!! I was looking at this post again and just now realized ALL that awesome stuff is included!! Holy Moly girl!!! That's a lot of awesomeness!!
Hi I just found your blog and think it is wonderful ! I am now a follower and would love to be included in your drawing . Thanks ,Jen
~~ What a awesome giveway.
Please enter me into the drawing..
I'm a follower
I will post this on my blog: backintymeprimitives.blogspot.com
I will heart your etsy shop...
I just love your blog
Prim Hugs
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