It's that time! Yup, giveaway time! It has been tooooo long since my last giveaway. I think it was 3 years ago, yikes!!! But here is what is up for grabs. A OOAK piece of folk art by me Genevieve at Olde Pear Primitives. It comes signed and dated. I used a pattern of my very own. If you are interested in purchasing the pattern for your future projects you can purchase it here.
This is my patriotic bird and hand. Made to look time worn and well loved. The wood base is made from a spindle top and old well worn wood for its base. It has been painted and waxed sealed for that old look. Wouldn't it look great in your cupboard or mantel?
Now, to the rules....
1.) If you have not already, please sign up to follow my blog. And please share this post on your blog.
2.) If you are coming from facebook please like my page and share, share, share, the picture.
3.)Let me know that you have done this here or on my facebook page. If you don't let me know I can't put your name in :)
4.) If you share this on facebook please mark the post public. Otherwise, I won't be able to see it.
5.) This is open to US and Canadian residents only. Sorry, no international shipping for this giveaway.
That's it. So, basicaly like and share and you are in. :)
I will draw a name on Friday evening. Goodluck everyone!
Have a wonderful Tuesday!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
What an awesome item you've created! Love the hand nest. I'm a follower and would love to win.
Love it! Shared it on my Facebook page!
That is so lovely Gen, I'd love to be entered into your giveaway! I am a follower of your blog, I just liked your page on Facebook and shared your picture on my timeline and I live in Canada :O) I'll add a link to your giveaway on my blog too. Thanks for the opportunity, Deb
I am a follower and your GIVE AWAY has been added to the sidebar on my blog...Also 'LIKED' on Facebook with a comment. Thanks for sharing...
I liked, I shared and I'm here to tell you I did. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks, ;)
I am a follower of your blog via GFC and email.
mmjohnson555 at gmail dot com
I also liked and shared on FB as Mechele JOhnson.
mmjohnson555 at gmail dot com
Following by email - and GFC - Jeanne.
Liked your page and shared on facebook at Jeanne Bates Tennant -
:)Jeanne Bates Tennant
see its over :(
I am a follower and I would love to win.
I follow your blog on Google Friend Connect under the username lilyk.
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