Well, things round here have sure been busy. With the kids in school you would think I would have more time to be making things and sewing up a storm. But I haven't. To be honest I have been quite afraid to do so. Reason for that is, I had a great passion and great enthusiasm for creating and making primitive items. I love to do it. I really do, but I have not sold any of my creations I am selling. I have sold two things off the side that I was not advertising as for sale. You would think I would be happy with that, right? No, I am really dissappointed in myself as an artist and business woman. I guess I am not as good a business woman as I thought I was. So, before you tell me "It's the economy, no one is buying anything." let me say that there are people out there who are. They are buying, just nothing of mine and it is completely frustrating to have not sold anything. Well, I have been thinking of stopping after Christmas. I think it is for the best. I won't be able to afford to continue it and plus we will be getting out into the civilian world pretty soon so saving is key.
Hopefully, I will make something this Christmas and after my fall sale. I am thinking of having one Oct. 8th. 15 % off all my fall items.
Sorry for ranting. I just had this bottled up for awhile. Ugggg.....it just so frustrating to do something you love and not even be able to make a profit from it. Lesson learned. Anyway my friends, don't let me get you down. I just wanted to let you all know I was still around. Just been down in the dumps but around. Hopefully, next post I can show you some of my fall arrangements I have in my home right now and an update on my Christmas items I have been some what working on. Blah.....
Well, have a great week everyone! And thanks for listening to my rants. LOL. :)
~*Blessings from my family to yours!*~
Hi Gen,
I can completely understand how you feel.
I will work real hard on a creation and will be so very proud of it.
Thinking to myself... WOW! this turned out so cute! (Which It Did!)
But then I try to sell it and.... nothing!
Not even on eBay. It wont get a single bid.
And the price I would have it listed for would be way below (what I think) it is worth.
Infact, I was just talking to Hubby about this exact situation yesterday.
So I have decided... I am going to create things I love and try not to worry... "will some else like it or not."
I am going to do my best work, list it on my website for what I believe it is worth and if it doesnt sell... oh, well.
It will just stay on there until it does.
There are a couple of dolls I had listed on my website for literally a year before they sold.
But they did sell and I actually got want I wanted for them. So if I have to wait a year for a sale, I guess I will. LOL! :)
Sorry, to babble on.
I just wanted to let you know, I can completely relate.
But don't for one second doubt your ability!!
You are very talented, believe in that and yourself.
Don't let this crazy internet world take that away from you!!
Hi Gen...sorry to hear that you are feeling this way...my suggestion is to find others who are selling and "pick their brains"...Rabbit Hallow Prims often has posting of how to sell online....post a poll of what people would be interested in...Brenda from the Rusty Thimble sells quite a bit...she puts in "extras" in her packages...so you could advertise this as well...that's what I do...follow those whom you admire and the sales "will come"!! Please, Please, Please...DO NOT give up your dream and passion!!!
Also...Network, Network, Network and try to sell on Facebook...go "friend" some prim friends!!
I think we all hear your pain..you just never know what will sell out there..and who will buy it..but like Patti said network..put your stuff in etsy..its 20 cents a listing for 4 months..and post on your blog when you have something done to share with us..I have had more sales because of blogging..but it has been slow..hoping to pick up soon and for the holidays.;) take care.;)
Hey Gen,
I'm right there with you. I was doing really good selling and for some reason it just stopped. I have a few repeat customers but nothing to speak of. I too have decided to let my online store exspire and not worry. The economy is mush and shipping charges are horrible. I even tried including shipping charges.
I don't have to work and let things take over and take all the fun out of crafting. At this point I'll take orders and have fun with some giveaways but no longer will it be a job. I do however understand your need to earn an income. Are you able to do the craft fairs in your area? Maybe consign to some local shops? I wish I could offer you more. Your wares are fabulous and you do a wonderful job, I think maybe the economy does to a degree have some weight here....
Don't get discouraged, I'm only stepping back because I discovered that I had lost my passion when It became a job and that's why I groom dogs, For the pay! Crafting was supposed to be my outlet for fun!
Chin Up Girl! We're just glad you hang out with us!
Tisha and the Skippy Attachment!
Thank you so much ladies. Your comments really make me feel alot better. And after I got home from picking up the boys I checked my email to find I made a sale! I just about cried and thanked God for this blessing. He truely hears your prayers! So thank you all so much! It really means alot to me.
~*Hugs to you all*~
I understand how your feeling Gen. I set up my selling blog and think I have only sold one item since I opened it up. I think I am just going to delete it and sell from my regular blog and the forum once we get the shop set up. It is frustrating but I know there are others out there doing pretty well. We need to network as Gina says and talk to those selling and see what advice they have for those of us trying to sell too. I know the biggest problem is finding someone that will talk to you.
I am so happy you did get a sale! May it be the first of many!
Hey Gen, glad you got that sale. Hang in there, you do such good work!!
Hello Gen - It seemed quite ironic to read your post...as I too am feeling EXACTLY the way you do. I've been so excited to create...and have only sold two items also. To put in so much time and think an item is really neat, only to have no takers...it is frustrating indeed. I was thinking just this morning that the problem may be that for the most part, we are networking with people who can make similar items for themselves...and therefore don't want to pay for something they can make. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE LOVE LOVE the blog networking and keeping track of what everyone is creating and how their life is going...I just think that we need some way of getting out to those people who can't or don't have the time to create items for themselves. Local craft shows are one way to do that, but if you are like me, you only want to do a few a year.
I decided today to work on a quilt for ME that I had set aside a few months ago, rather than spend another day crafting something that is just going to sit waiting for a buyer. My recommendation to you is step back and do something for yourself...take some time off from crafting and you will be inspired again. Don't give up, because you are very talented and while the blog selling may not be very profitable, the friendships you find along your journey can be very rewarding! ~ Blessings dear ~
Hi again Gen -Oops..for got to ask...if you feel up to it, perhaps you would like to join my ornie swap. If you check my blog you will see a link for signing up. It's a nice way to be able to share our creations with others and get something back in return. I hope you will think about joining us.
@ Wendy, thank you so much for your kind words. I am so glad to know that I am not the only one who feels this way. I am going to have to take up your advice and make something just for "ME". That is hard for me to do b/c I love to make things for other people. I seem to put others first sometimes before myself. So, I think I will put aside something for me as you have suggested. Thanks so much for inviting me to join your swap. I would love to join in.
Thanks again chickie!
Hi Gen,
I can completely relate to what you're saying! I've been selling online for over 5 years now and I can honestly say that if I depended on that for my income, I would have starved by now! The craft business is not what it used to be, what with the competition from china. But I would encourage you to follow your dream and keep on creating. Try anything and everything ~ craft shows, ebay, etsy, blogging, website...the list goes on and on. I'm doing all of those things. I've had three sales in the last month. Good luck and don't give up.
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