Well, it seems that my hubby has caught the crafting bug. He made this using an ugly wall hanging I had got from the Salvation Army. The other one I used for a sign. I'll have to post a pic later.
But isn't it wonderful! He did such a good job! He made this for the Major that was retiring. And my husband told me that he was blown away by it. I would be too! So, I think now he understands my excitement for making new things. LOL.
Here he is. Back off ladies he's mine. LOL.

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That is so cool! We love it when men get turned on!
That is freaking amazing!!! Tell Jamie it rocks!!
Way awesome! You two look like a nice match!!!!
@Linda....yes I love it when some crafting can get them in the mood! LOL.
@Erica.....I did. Now I won't let him stop. He has a long list of things I want him to make.
@Olde Spoon River Homestead...Thanks sweetie! I know how to pick'em! LOL.
What a lovely gift to give the retiring Major! He will surely remember your husbands kindness (and talent!) over and over again, every single time he looks at it. I bet it will be hung in a place of honor at his home. xoxo
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!
I have enjoyed my visit to yours so very much!
With love,
He did a wonderful job!!
LOL!! Loved your comment below his photo. Hehee!
We've all been warned!
Take Care,
@ Jobeth...Awww, thanks hun! I love your blog too! You have such wonderful creations! Thanks for following my humble blog.
@Tammy... Lmao, he did do a great job didn't he. Thanks for dropping by! And I can't wait for your goodies to come!
~*Hugs Prim Pals*~
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