
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Been awhile......

Sorry it has been quite some time for me to make a new post. Life has gotten the better of me these days. I began working again after being a stay-at-home mom for 9 years. It has been a big change for me. Now I have very little time for blogging or crafting. Plus, I have been painting rooms in my new home trying to make it "Ours". I really wanted to do a giveaway last month but I just had no time to devote to it. :(  And I feel really bad after winning Kimberlee's giveaway over at her blog, The Patriot Home Place, and not posting pictures. Please forgive me Kimberlee. :(  these pictures are very long over do.
Beautiful Crow Candy Mold

Primtastic braided rug mat!

This wonderful candle. I have to add that this candle fills my whole house with yumminess! I love it!
I also received a wonderful pumpkin and a gorgeous fall candle wreath. But I have put away my fall items soon after Halloween so I couldn't get them pictured. I now have my house decked out in Christmas attire lol. I would love to show all of you my home but it is soooooooooo cluttered and messy I am so embarrassed. I have stencils and boxes strewn around. And not to mention my boys toys and socks.  So, hopefully this weekend it will all be spotless. Fingers crossed. But before I end this post I was thinking of doing an ornie swap. I love to do swaps and since I don't belong to forums anymore I haven't been able to do one. So, I was thinking of doing one myself. It wouldn't be anything big. Just one ornie you would have to make. I will keep you all posted when I will be starting it. But thanks again to all of you who still read my blog! I really do appreciate all of you!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy......

Boy, ever since school has started I have been busier more then ever. Which can explain my absence. But thankfully, I had a little time to share with you a sneak peek of what I am working on for my new kind of giveaway. 

So, I plan on getting this done by the end of Sept. I can't wait to finish it up so we can have this wonderful giveaway. It has almost been a year since I last had one! Yikes! I am going to get my butt in high gear and finish it up. :) I am hoping the weather will get dryer. It has been hard to paint anything at all. We even had to postpone painting in the house because it is quite damp still. 
I know fall is just around the corner. But I am already getting ideas for Christmas. I am
arranging things in my mind where I want them in my house and outside as well.  I must be nuts. LOL. But I love Christmas. And this year is extra special to me because it will be the first year I can spend it with family. I am so excited!!

But I just wanted to drop in and keep you all updated.

~*Many hugs*~

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Monday, August 29, 2011

It's Over....

Well, I made it. I want to thank you all for the prayers. They most definately worked. My husband did make it home from New York. Although, he was the only crazy nut driving back into New Jersey that day. LOL. But we were all together bracing ourseleves for the storm. We did lose power and our neighbors in the back lost a HUGE tree. But thankfully, they are ok. We did not lose any trees thank goodness. But the yard is a mess with branches and leaves. We have lots of flooding still on our major streets over here. But for the most part I think Vineland made out ok.  Oh, I also forgot to mention, now we need to get a new roof. With all this ran we had it made some leaks. We had to put buckets up in our attic to collect the water. Oh, and don't get me started on my basement. DISASTER.
But we survived. And all is well. I just wanted to hop on to let you all know. :)
I am also working on my swapaway prize and a surprise package for a friend. Which is long over due and I am such a bad friend.
But I will be back to post my progress.
I hope all of those who were caught in the hurricane are alright. And my prayers go out to those who lost a loved one.

~*Prim Hugs*~

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Earthquakes, Hurricanes,and Giveaways...Oh,my!!!!

I just wanted to jump on here real quick before we lose any power.  If you haven't heard already the east coast was surprised by an earthquake. I was very surprised myself. We felt it and my house was shaking. A very scary thing to go through for the first time.
Second, I am now on hurricane watch. I have been getting prepared all morning. I have flashlights, batteries, water, and I filled both my bath tubs just in case they shut off the water. And I am praying my husband makes it home from work today. He is over in New York. So, if you can, keep me and my family in your prayers.
Well, onto the good part. I had signed up for Karen's giveaway over at her blog The Barely There Primitive Bear. And I WON!!!!! Yippee!!!!

Here is where I put everything
My Kitchen
And here is what I recieved...
A Wonderful Primitive Grater!

A Gorgeous Mason jar and Holder!

This really Awesome Prim Scale!!!!

And A Prim Bowl with the Grungy Candle and Fixin's
Thank you Karen!!!!! I just love everything.
And for all my readers on the east coast, stay safe!!!!
My prayers for all of you.


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Sunday, August 7, 2011

A little kitty followed me home today....

I have been on a creative slump as of lately. I don't know why. I try to start something and then I just can't bring myself to finish. Well, that all ended when a little kitty entered my life. I have named him Boris. I think he likes it, he hasn't complained. I found him outside my window one morning scaring my birds. I told him "Shoooo!!!". But to no avail. He would not leave. He calmly sauntered his way to my back door. Looked up at me with those beautiful green eyes and gave a quiet "Meow". My heart melted. I gave in and opened the door. He calmly made himself comfortable on my couch. He looked so cute I just had to sit next to him and stroke his back. He looked back at me and as if he was saying "It's time to create." I pondered the thought and said, "You're right, it's time." So, with my insecurities aside and self doubt put away, I went to work. I began projects and finished them. I made new items from brand new ideas I have had. I had strength and creative motivation again. And it was all because of Boris. The magical cat that entered my life at the right time. He came to me for a reason. And that reason was to find myself creatively again. I had been lost for so long in a cloud of depression and low self worth. I forgot the joys of creating and making prim art. I forgot what it was like to finish a project, step back and look and at what I had accomplished. But somehow, that cat brought that back to me. Somehow, he knew just how to get me going again.  "What a silly cat." I said to myself. And with that Boris sat in my lap and purred. Kneading my legs like dough, he made himself comfy. And I; well, got to work........

Until next time.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Friday, August 5, 2011

Hello to you all! Just checking in....

Hello everyone. I have not been on in a verrrrrry long time. I am so sorry for that. I have been feeling quite down and have had no creative energy. But I am giving myself a dead line to get back in the game. Tee Hee... I am planning on having my Swapaway in Sept. Which means, I better get a move on with the giveaway prize.  But I just wanted to let you all know I am still floatin around here. I hope to be back to myself in a week or so. Fingers crossed. :)

Have a Great Weekend Everybody!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sunburnt Cow Ezine is hot off the press!!!!!

My shoo fly tutorial was recently featured in the new Sunburnt Cow Ezine. And let me tell you, this new ezine is just wonderful. Though it is in the infancy stage it is full of interesting articles and how to's.  Plus, you too can be featured in the ezine if you have something to contribute.
Or, do you have a question about an item or how to make something?  Just write your query to iluvffmn at yahoo d0t com with the subject line of "Ezine article." And you can have your question answered in the next edition or even your article! How cool is that?!
But make sure you head on over to read the very first addition.  Just click on the link above and enjoy!


Saturday, July 2, 2011

A little look see around my home....

Ok, first I must warn you. There may be some random mess and boxes in the below pictures. And there may be quite a few of pictures. But I really wanted to share with you all some inside pictures of my home. :) 
I hope soon to have it all in order.......fingers crossed. Tee..hee...

Left side corner of kitchen

Missed my lil' red cupboard

Right side of cupboard

Kitchen enterance

Top of cabinets

This hutch my mother bought from the woman we bought the home from. It was a gift for the house. I love it! I can actually now put out my pewter collection

Uno sunbathing.......spoiled furball.

Fireplace. It is in a funny corner in my living room and it is always dark. I need to figure out a way to lighten up the corner.

Family room

Messy family room. Still trying to find homes for everything.

Door to garage in family room.

Beautiful french doors that lead from the family room to the dining room. Love them!!

My dry sink in the dining room. I missed that too!

More mess and the peak through to the dining room

And there you have it. I hope you enjoyed a little peak inside the Lugo family home. I will try to post some more when I get rid of this mess. LOL...but stay tuned for my swapaway and my feature in a new ezine that I will share the link with all of you! Oh, and have a wonderful, safe, and joyous 4th of July!

Big hugs,

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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Quick Question......

I have a living room that needs some furniture. I have a style of couches and chairs in mind but I don't know where to find them. The stores around here do not carry this type of furniture. So, I was thinking I may have to look in the Pennsylvania, Delaware, or Connecticut areas. Or heck, if anyone knows of a furniture store in New Jersey who sells this style let me know.
 If any bloggers from these areas knows of such stores could you tell lil ol' me where I should go?

Thanks Bunches!!!!

I am so Thankful!!!

I am a bad, bad blogger. I am sorry I have not posted as much as I should be. It seems that at my house boxes are like rabbits; they multiple like crazy!!! As soon as I finish one set of boxes, I find more!!!!! Ugh.....but oh well.
I did want to post about the most wonderful surprise I recieved in the mail. Tam from A Primitive Place Tammy sent me the most amazing goodies! I was spoiled rotten. She sent me some goodies out of the goodness of her heart. She wanted to give me some house warming gifts. And let me tell you.....they warm my house right up. I wanted to post this a little earlier but I didn't have a clean room to show you where they would be going. So, for some of the pictures I must warn you of the mess. Be careful though, it

Love this little plate!!!

This little pillow fits in perfectly with my pewter collection!!

My doll finally has a comfy pillow for her aching back :)

Thank you so much Tam!!! I truely love everything. You are such a sweet person!!! Big Hugs to you my prim friend! :)

And I  also have been working on a swapaway prize for the swapaway. When I finish it up I will start the swapaway.  So, keep posted for that. I promise it will be tons of fun and everyone will go home with something. :) Also, I have to add that one of my tutorials is going to be featured in a new online magazine! When it is ready I will post you all the link so you can read this wonderful new online magazine.

Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License