
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Been awhile......

Sorry it has been quite some time for me to make a new post. Life has gotten the better of me these days. I began working again after being a stay-at-home mom for 9 years. It has been a big change for me. Now I have very little time for blogging or crafting. Plus, I have been painting rooms in my new home trying to make it "Ours". I really wanted to do a giveaway last month but I just had no time to devote to it. :(  And I feel really bad after winning Kimberlee's giveaway over at her blog, The Patriot Home Place, and not posting pictures. Please forgive me Kimberlee. :(  these pictures are very long over do.
Beautiful Crow Candy Mold

Primtastic braided rug mat!

This wonderful candle. I have to add that this candle fills my whole house with yumminess! I love it!
I also received a wonderful pumpkin and a gorgeous fall candle wreath. But I have put away my fall items soon after Halloween so I couldn't get them pictured. I now have my house decked out in Christmas attire lol. I would love to show all of you my home but it is soooooooooo cluttered and messy I am so embarrassed. I have stencils and boxes strewn around. And not to mention my boys toys and socks.  So, hopefully this weekend it will all be spotless. Fingers crossed. But before I end this post I was thinking of doing an ornie swap. I love to do swaps and since I don't belong to forums anymore I haven't been able to do one. So, I was thinking of doing one myself. It wouldn't be anything big. Just one ornie you would have to make. I will keep you all posted when I will be starting it. But thanks again to all of you who still read my blog! I really do appreciate all of you!



  1. Hello Genevieve so good to see you post, hope you are enjoying that new home. It is tough going back on a public job after staying home for so long. Look forward to seeing pictures HUGS

  2. Hi Gen, it is so good to see your post, I was going to email you, to see how you are doing. Working does put a crimp in your day, doesn't it? I haven't done any swaps for quite some time, either.
    I am looking forward to seeing pictures of your new home.

    Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

  3. Hi Gen,
    Don't feel bad.
    I can relate life has been crazy lately.
    And going back to working outside the home, take quite awhile to get use to.
    I think it has been almost 2 years for me... and I still am not used to it!!
    And finding free time for the fun stuff, well, almost impossible! :)

    I have learned to let the dishes and laundry pile up and do fun stuff instead. LOL!!

    Congratulations on your wonderful win. Love your new goodies.

    I would love to do an ornie swap with ya. Just drop me an email, if you want to do it. I'll just need a little time to come up with something new for ya.

    Take Care.

  4. Great win, cute goodies. I too have packed away the fall which I did enjoy for 2 mos almost and now everything is Christmas for us to enjoy. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Hi Gen: Glad to hear from you! love that crow candy mold...what a treasure! Love your other goodies as well...I bet your house looks great with the Christmas decorations. can't wait to see!
    take care,
    patti ;)

  6. Hi Gen,
    I was thinking about you the other day when I turned on the candle on the jar that you gave me and wondering how you were.
    Congrats on the win...great goodies!!
    I spied the Christmas goodies I made for you in the wooden bowl.
    Can't wait to hear more about the ornie swap.

  7. I LOVE your crow mold!!! I just got two new ones myself. They look wonderful tucked here and there.

    The braided rug is beautiful also.

    I think we can all relate to not having enough time in the day to do everything. I, unfortunately, let stuff go also. I am on a union break as we speak from cleaning up my dining room. lol


  8. Oh Gen, don't beat yourself up sweetie. I've been there and done that too when I was younger. Had to go back to work. You know your blog friends love you and understand :-)
