
Monday, August 29, 2011

It's Over....

Well, I made it. I want to thank you all for the prayers. They most definately worked. My husband did make it home from New York. Although, he was the only crazy nut driving back into New Jersey that day. LOL. But we were all together bracing ourseleves for the storm. We did lose power and our neighbors in the back lost a HUGE tree. But thankfully, they are ok. We did not lose any trees thank goodness. But the yard is a mess with branches and leaves. We have lots of flooding still on our major streets over here. But for the most part I think Vineland made out ok.  Oh, I also forgot to mention, now we need to get a new roof. With all this ran we had it made some leaks. We had to put buckets up in our attic to collect the water. Oh, and don't get me started on my basement. DISASTER.
But we survived. And all is well. I just wanted to hop on to let you all know. :)
I am also working on my swapaway prize and a surprise package for a friend. Which is long over due and I am such a bad friend.
But I will be back to post my progress.
I hope all of those who were caught in the hurricane are alright. And my prayers go out to those who lost a loved one.

~*Prim Hugs*~


  1. So glad to hear you and your family are okay. Sorry to hear about the roof and basement but thankful these are material things and can be fixed. Hoping you have a good week and that sunshine will follow all that rain.

  2. Oh Gen,
    I am so glad all is okay and Hubby made it home safely.
    Sorry, I havent been online, so I missed your previous post.

  3. Hi Gen,
    So glad to hear that you all are okay, but sorry to hear about your basement and roof.
    Can't wait to see what you are working on for your friend and the swap.

  4. I kept telling my husband, as we were watching the storm, "I hope Gen is ok!"
    I am glad to hear that you and your family are all safe. Material things aren't as important and can be fixed...
    Take care.

    Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

  5. So glad to see your post and that
    everyone is safe and fine with little damage. Prayer is powerful
    I'm for one a strong believer of it
    material things can be replaced or
    fix.. Human life is so percious

    Warm Blessings
    thanks again for the post update

  6. So glad to know you and your family are all right. That's the important thing. Hopefully insurance will cover the roof for you guys.

    Tracy Screaming Sardine

  7. Oh good, y'all are okay. Now onward and upward to the roof for repairs. You can do it!

  8. So glad everyone is okay. I've been through the flooded basement thing when we lost power and of course the sump pump won't work without power. grrrr... Hop you didn't lose anything in the basement.

    As we all say when it rains it pours right? :) Hop you can get your roof done soon.
