My shoo fly tutorial was recently featured in the new Sunburnt Cow Ezine. And let me tell you, this new ezine is just wonderful. Though it is in the infancy stage it is full of interesting articles and how to's. Plus, you too can be featured in the ezine if you have something to contribute.
Or, do you have a question about an item or how to make something? Just write your query to iluvffmn at yahoo d0t com with the subject line of "Ezine article." And you can have your question answered in the next edition or even your article! How cool is that?!
But make sure you head on over to read the very first addition. Just click on the link above and enjoy!
Well, hey, girl! You're on the ball more than me. I just sent you an email with the link, and here you are announcing it.
Just went and checked out the Ezine and thought it was wonderful. Thank you for offering this free tutorial - I think I am going to try it. Trish