Well, it looks like I won't be getting the pie safe for Christmas. Boo Hoo. I was trying all morning yesterday to get in contact with the woman who had it but she never returned my responses. Later on in the evening she informed me she had sold it already to a buyer who came by that morning with cash in hand. Thanks lady. Oh well, I can only hope it has a termite infestation and disintegrates in a few years. One can hope.....Ok let me stop being grumpy. But I still secretly hope it has something wrong with it! Maybe another one will cross my path and it will be better then the one that got away. That is what I am going to keep telling myself. Well, I just wanted to let you all know. I am going to go back to looking on Craig's list. I really love craig's list. It is the best thing ever. I have found a lot of great things people are willing to give away or sell for unbelievable prices. But I always have my husband go with me. You can't really trust people's intentions out there. But so far I have come across some really nice people. I don't think Abilene has too many mean people. Or maybe I haven't come across them. But you should really check out Craig's list. Check out the FREE section. People are trying to get rid of great stuff all the time. You would be surprised. But thanks again ladies for all your great suggestions on how to convince my husband into getting me the pie safe. I think I am going to write them down and save them for when I come across another one! LOL.
Have a great Thursday everyone!

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Hi Genevieve, sorry you missed out on the pie safe. I'm sure you will find another one ( probably even nicer ).
Sorry about the pie safe. I always consider when things like that happens that the other person needed it more than I or that God has something better for me. It does help with the disappointment.8-)
I need to check out Craig's List, I keep intending to but never take the time.
Have a great day!!
:( Maybe that one just wasn't meant to be and a better one is comming your way!
Carmen and the Primcats
Oh Gen, I am so sorry to hear about your pie safe.
Sending possitive thoughts that a better one will come your way soon!
Take Care,
Hey, girl!
Too funny! Sorry but I just love how you were so honest about being grumpy & hope it is termite infested!I am still giggling about it!
Sounds like something I would think, oh no, not me, but mean me, with the horns on!LOL
But seriously I hope you will find the perfect one, Better & just one that takes your breath away!
thanks for the giggle,
Awww...that's too bad that you missed out on the pie safe. Hopefully a better one will come your way.
Craigslist is wonderful! You know, I have never checked out the free section... gonna have to do that. I bet you will be able to find some great things this spring when people get in the spring cleaning mood.
Sorry you lost out on the pie safe, but you are right... something better will come along. =]
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