I have had a horrible cold this past week. My nose was stuffed. Throat sore and eyes blood shot red. I was in bed most of the week. Thankfully, I was recovered by mothers day and I was able to enjoy my day out with the boys. Mother's day was really nice. I got this wonderful laptop that I am writing to you all on now. My husband is just the greatest. It is much better then the family computer. I don't have to fight the boys for a seat in front of it. And I can now write in bed. How sweet is that!
Well, onto a sour note. The booth I have in this store I am selling my wares is not doing well at all. I have been there for about two months now and only made 30 dollars income. Yup, just 30. I thought at least I would make 100. I knew that my first year was going to be a rough start but this is ridiculous. I think I may need to start to spread my wings else where. Not sure where. But this one is not cutting it for me. Sometimes I think maybe it's my stuff. Maybe, no one likes it. Maybe it's crap. Or maybe I am pricing it to high. But my husband and I did the math on how much time and effort I put into my item. And for the price of my time and effort I think they are reasonable. It's the stupid people who buy cheap products from China and sell them for much more. I have this one woman who has a booth also in the same store. She buys her stuff from China and sells it for a ridiculous amount. And she is profiting quite well. No one seems to want to buy hand-made American products. Blows my mind. But what can you do? Anyways, I will post you guys a tutorial tomorrow on how to make a shoo-fly cover. I wanted to make one for sometime and I could not find what I was looking for on the internet. So, I was inspired to try one on my own and I will share with you what I did. So, check in tomorrow!
Prim hugs and blessings,
Hi Gen...I know how you feel..people are finding my prices too high as well.And funny thing is if they go into a ''Primitive shop'' they will find things very similar at 3 times the prices and buy it from there.When we as home crafters can eliminate the middle man..and sell much cheaper.I find that you really ca'nt charge for your time as a crafter ( here in my area anyway) Because people will tell you straight up,,,they wo'nt pay for you to do something you Enjoy doing!! unreal!!!!Well anyway the few pics of things I have seen you do..are wonderful Hon... do'nt let people bring you down... Your stuff is NOT crap by anymeans !!!! You are definately Blessed with an Awesome Talent!!!!! Have a great day!!! ,,, Donna ''Sweet Prairie Dwellings''P.S...I am haveing a giveaway..and the winner will be drawn on the 19th...if you wanna come over and get entered. But please read the info on it... because there is a twist to it .lol!! Hope to see ya come enter if it's something you might like to have a shot at winning.
Oh,Donna. You are such a sweet heart. Thanks for lifting my spirits. I guess I am not the only one who feels this way. I will have to drop by and check out your giveaway. But thanks again for your kind words and for dropping by!
You're very welcome Gen.(Wink!!) Glad to see you came over and got yourself entered in my Giveaway Hon. We crafters gotta stick together!!! hugs.... Donna
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