
Monday, August 16, 2010

In need of Pay it Forward Artists...

I am looking for anyone who would be interested in being my Pay It Forward Featured Artist. All you have to do is send me a little bio about yourself and your items. And a few pictures for me to showcase. And that is it. If anyone would be interesed please email me. I wanted to have someone to feature every Monday. But I guess this Monday no one was interested. But that's ok, there is still time. Just email and I will get your post up ASAP.

~*Hugs To All*~


  1. I would love too..but have been busy with other stuff when I get it done...I will email you..;)

  2. Gen...I want to thank you again for featuring me last week it was such a nice thing for you to do and I appreciate it.I hope you have a great week!!!!


  3. Gen, This is really nice of you to offer this to us artists, if you don't have anyone choosen let me know, I would participate. Love your blog, and just became a follower!~Blessings~Jody

  4. Gen-Thanks so much for offering to do this. I will get some information off to you asap...hopefully tomorrow, so I can get some pics of my newest items.
    God bless - Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies
