
Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Americana Swap Goodies From Sharon

I had joined the Ameriacana Swap on the Prim Pals forum and boy did I get spoiled. Sharon you certainly outdid yourself sweetie. Everything in the box was so wonderful. Here is what I got:

The wonderful pear and crow ornament!
The flag and crow ornaments!
This wonderful primtastic spoon!

The americana heart.

This wonderful yummy smelling wax tarts! She also added in some crows and pears! I just adore them so!
These wondeful petite grubby candles. (how do you do it?) They are wonderful. I love them!

The Flag and star cupboard tucks. They go perfect in my sifter!

This adorable prim american flag angel. Please ignore my messy entertainment center.LOL.

And last but not least this wonderful metal basket with flag tea towel. And the wax pears and americana note pad and napkins! Thank you Sharon! I truely loved everything you picked out for me! Prim hugs to you!

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  1. love the prim goodies you received and love how you decorated with them..;)

  2. Hi Genevieve

    I stumbled upon your blog and love it. I am rather new here on blogger but enjoy finding people with the same interests. I put you in my fav blogger spots.

    You got some great swap items. I am going to have to sign up at the Prim Pals forum. I don't believe I am a member there yet.

    Hope you are having a nice weekend!

  3. Wow sweetie what awesome swap goods!!! Lucky lady you!!! Hugs!!! Donna p.s... So glad to see ya back around!!!
