
Monday, December 6, 2010

My Home For The Holidays Swap Over At Prim Pals

I participated in a home for the holidays swap over at Prim Pals. My swap buddy was Cindy over at Her goodies she made me are out of this world! The attention to detail is amazing! I love everything I received, especially the Olde Pear Primitive tea towel!!!! I loved the gingerbread man and mint ornies so much I made a stocking just for them to hang in. I am also going to be listing the same stocking in my Etsy shoppe if anyone is interested (sans the gingerbread man and ornies of course).But Cindy, I don't know if you got my email. I just wanted to post this to let you know I love everything!! You are uber talented! I just wanted to share with you all. And I am sorry I didn't post this earlier. I am fighting a horrible sinus infection. I have been having horrible sinus headaches. I thought I got rid of this thing but it came back and slapped me silly. I feel a little better now. Just really exhausted and I have some things I need to finish up and post in my shoppe. But I just wanted to share with you all what Cindy had made for me. I hope you enjoy your goodies I made for you sweetheart. You should be getting them soon.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License


  1. Hi Gen, great goodies!! I love that tea towel, so sweet!!
    So sorry you are feeling bad. I had the flu and finally feeling better. No fun being sick. I hope you feel better soon!!

  2. Thanks Lorna. I am glad to hear you are feeling better. The flu is no fun! I think it is the change in weather. From going back and forth from hot and cold. It needs to make up it's mind! LOL. But, thankfully I am feeling better.


  3. WOW, Gen!!
    What wonderful goodies.
    Especially loved the towel with your shop's name!!

  4. Oh wow! You made out!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  5. What a wonderful swap! Cindy does fantastic work. I love the ornies and the towel!


  6. Gen,
    I'm so glad that you liked your goodies. I did get your email, but have been so busy that I wasn't online. My goodies came today...I love them and am getting a post ready for my blog.

    Sorry to hear that you were not feeling well and am glad that you are feeling better now.

  7. I saw your swap with Cindy on her blog and both of you have such cute items! What a fun swap!

    Sorry you weren't feeling well. My husband gets those sinus headaches too and I know how miserable he can feel.
