
Thursday, December 9, 2010

crazy tree lady

I thought I would share this video with you all. How many of you are like this woman? Well, I can say I am getting close. LOL. Enjoy!



  1. Well, she's got me beat, but I love her spirit!
    Make your page more blogger friendly--lose the word verification. Lots easier to leave a comment!

  2. Oh Gen,
    I Loved this!!
    Crazy Tree Lady, You are Not Alone!! I'm on my way!!!

    I'm a CTL and Proud of it!! :) Hehee!

  3. holy cow I wonder how long it takes her to set up..she has to be pretty organized to do all of this..and did I hear her say 37 trees..they are beautiful..but my husband would divorce me..and we would have to move out of our house to fit that many in.;)

  4. Well I can sure relate...I have collected ornaments for years...and have several trees in my home...:) No where near 37 though.....whew don't even want to think of the time that would require! Thanks for sharing..... this was wonderful!

  5. I don't know what to say, other than I think she's a bit over the top! I love Christmas, I love all the variations of trees but I have to agree "crazy" she is! I wouldn't know where to store it all, organized or not! LOL
    To each his own!
    Thanks for sharing Gen~

  6. Wow...that is alot of trees!! And I thought I was crazy for having 3 of them.

  7. OMG, that's a lot of trees! But I am getting closer to having enough ornaments for 37 trees because YOUR ORNIES ARRIVED TODAY Gen! Thank you so much, they are ALL beautiful and wow, 3 ornaments and a lovely card, thank you so much for your generosity. I sent a note to Wendy at Ravenwood Whimzies to let her know your ornies for her swap had arrived as well. I'm going to take some pictures tomorrow in the daylight and post to my blog so everyone can enjoy them. Thanks again and Merry Christmas! Deb

  8. Having lots of theme trees would be fun to I'm glad this lady is doing it so I can look at them and enjoy!!!!

  9. Haha, that is hilarious!! Can you imagine her electric bill?? I bet that meter is going nuts! Lol! We only have 7 and I finally got my husband to where he loves them all. It took him awhile, but now he has to brag to the guys at work about all our trees. That was fun, thanks for sharing!
