
Monday, October 11, 2010

Look What I Have Been Working On!!!

I have been working on these cute little guys for the past week. The snowmen are a Wooden Nail pattern. I just LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOve it! It is so simple and easy to make. I got it HERE if you are intereseted in purchasing one for yourself.  The mice I made were from a pattern I had from a Better Homes and Garden Christmas Ideas Mag. I think it was 08". Both were very easy to do. Well, I thought I would show you what I was up to. Now, I am off to make ornies for the Prim Pals first annual ornie swap. I am so excited! And if you haven't already, you should go and become a member to join the swap. We have so much fun and the girls there are wonderful. So, head on over!

Have a blessed week!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License


  1. Oh Gen,
    Great job!!
    Everything is so cute!!
    Ive been working on my ornies too!!
    Im so excited to see what everyone makes.

    Have a great week!!

  2. Gen: These are so the snowman!! What did you use for the nose?

  3. oh Gen, I love that little snowman..he has the cutest face the gingerbread man that he is holding your little do nice work..:)
