I just was nominated for a blogging award from my friend Wendy over at
Ravenwood Whimzies. She is such a sweetheart for nominating little ol' me **he, he**. But as part of the award I must nominate 15 others to share in the award and 7 things about me. Ok, so on to the fun part...
I nominate:
Drakestone Primitives
Homespun Treasures by Dana
Lillie Mae Acres
Live Oak Primitive Peddler
M's Prim 'N' Country
Parker's Paradise
Primfill's Blog
Steller Creations
Sweet Prairie Dwellings
The Barely There Primitive Bear
The Calico Rabbit
The Crafty Crow
The Finicky Feline
The Primitive Outhouse
Raspberry Lane Primitives
Willow Bend Prims
Seven things about me:
- I am a middle child. I have one older sister and a younger one.
- I love anything leopard. Weird I know.
- My dream is too live on a small farm.
- I have a really big heart and I always try to go out of my way to help someone out.
- I love Christmas and start decorating right after Halloween. But I have been known to leave some trees up.
- I have two dogs and two cats. If my husband would let me have my way I would have chickens, goats, ducks, llamas...you name it.
- I am the type of person who see's something in the store and says, "Hey, I can make that." And I go home and try to make it myself for the fraction of the cost.
Well, that's all folks!
Have a great week everyone!

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