
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Switching to Facebook

Hello all! I have decided that since I no longer seem to get on blogger and I am usually on FB that I will be shutting down my blog.  You can still follow me on my FB page Olde Pear Primitives .  I hope you will still follow me and my new creative adventures. I am doing really well in the new store. Selling out of a lot of my items.  But thank you all for following me!!! I am truely blessed by your views :)


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just wanted to check in! :)

Sorry it has been soooooooo long. I just wanted to pop on over to let you all know I am still alive. LOL.  I do have some awesome news to share with all of you. I am going to be selling my primitives in a local prim shop. I am so excited and nervous. I have been trying to work on some things for selling. I'll post pics when I finish them.  I have so many ideas and so little time to finish them.  But that is life ;).  Oh, and I got the most wonderful mother's day gift ever! I'll post a picture later on this evening when I get back from my kids baseball games. I was so happy I nearly cried.
But I am sorry I have neglected all of you :( I have been meaning to get on here more. I just am swamped. I am hoping things die down a little once school ends. I hope everyone had a great mother's day and has a great memorial day weekend! And for those of you that read my blog and live in the south jersey area. Please stop by Candles in the Attic located on North second street in Millville. My hand mades will be available this fall.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hello out there! Did you miss me?

Hello! It has definitely been a while since I last posted.
Let me see, my children's school is closing for good. But the good news is they are going to make it a private school. They will no longer be under the diocese's thumb. Hurray! That is some well deserved good news.
  And I am still currently working on my house. I have made some Tobacco Cloth inspired drapes using 90 grade cheesecloth.  I think it is very similar and much more affordable. I also dyed them in walnut ink to give them more of  an aged look.

Pretty good don't ya think?  I also made a little trip on Saturday to a local Prim shop. Well, no.
Actually, I went with my husband to drop off the van AGAIN to be fixed. I remembered that there was a Prim shop around the corner that I never got to visit because it is only open on Friday and Saturday. But we went in and it was like heaven. I already have a shelf in mind to purchase when I get my pay check on friday. It will look perfect in the family room. Anyway,  my husband was chatting up the owner and mentioned to her that I made prims. She was very interested in seeing my work. We exchanged cards and she told me whenever I had the chance to give her a ring so I could bring my work down to the store so she could get a look at it. I am quite excited and nervous at the same time.  I don't know what to bring to her. Eeek!  So, this weekend I will pulling stuff out and quite possibly making a few things.  Wish me luck!

But I just wanted to pop back on to let you know I am still alive. I just have been extremely busy. I hope you do forgive my long absence.  But I will definitely keep you all posted.

Have a Blessed week!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Please help save my son's school from closing

I am writing to all of my readers out there with a very heavy heart. I learned this past Friday that the school my kids attend will be closing this coming June.  But the school and it's parents are fighting this decision.  The school has set up a website where you can make a donation.  We really need your help in this. I currently work at this school as so does my oldest sister. She teaches 5 grade math.  The school is more than a school to me and my children. It is one big family and right now we are being ripped apart.
 They welcomed my kids with open arms when we first moved back to the area from being in the military. My kids were going through some tough adjustments and changes. The teachers there helped them to readjust and fit right in with ease. I was so ever greatfull for their compassion. And when my grandmother died following the months we arrived there, the principle came out to the funeral to send her condolences personally. Now, I ask you. What school principle would do that? What teacher would take the time to help one student to fit into the classroom of 20 kids?
This school.  This is why I am going to fight tooth and nail for this school and for my kids. I shouldn't have to uproot them once again.  So, if you could make a donation for this school, not for me, not for the teachers and staff that work there. But for the CHILDREN.  They are the ones who will be affected the most by the decision  of the Diocese.

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

Here is the link to donate.
And if you would like to read the article about the closing you can read about it here

God Bless,

Monday, January 9, 2012

Hello to all! And Hello to the New Year!

It has bee quite a loooooooong while since I last made a post. Been a busy bee around here. I hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Christmas and New Year. I sure had a nice one. I am hoping things die down over here so I can have a giveaway. I wanted to do one for so very long. Maybe, fingers crossed, I can do one on my birthday which is right around the corner. Eeeek! I am going to be 30! Ugh, I can't believe how old I am getting. :( But with age comes wisdom, right? So, lets hope I get wiser on my birthday. :)

I hadn't been making anything in awhile, but for christmas I did get an order. A woman from the school my kids attend to asked me to make some of my snowmen for her. And also, I was her advent angel (or secret santa) which I participated in. I made her an angel. And here she is.......
Pretty cute?! I also just purchased my first wood pattern. I am going to try my hand at making a cupboard. I want to see if I like working with a new medium. I will let you know how it turns out. Hopefully, not crooked. LOL. But I want to thank you all for still hanging in there for me and reading my blog. Even though I have neglected it some, you're still here ((hugs)). And for those of you who have joined I welcome you with open arms and heart! God bless you all!

I am also in the works with a new blog. I was inspired to do a prims on a budget one after changing lifestyles and moving. I wanted to share some of my ideas and ways of getting the prims you want without spending a fortune. I will let you know when it's up and running.

But take care! And have a great week everyone!

Big Hugs!!!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License