
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just wanted to check in! :)

Sorry it has been soooooooo long. I just wanted to pop on over to let you all know I am still alive. LOL.  I do have some awesome news to share with all of you. I am going to be selling my primitives in a local prim shop. I am so excited and nervous. I have been trying to work on some things for selling. I'll post pics when I finish them.  I have so many ideas and so little time to finish them.  But that is life ;).  Oh, and I got the most wonderful mother's day gift ever! I'll post a picture later on this evening when I get back from my kids baseball games. I was so happy I nearly cried.
But I am sorry I have neglected all of you :( I have been meaning to get on here more. I just am swamped. I am hoping things die down a little once school ends. I hope everyone had a great mother's day and has a great memorial day weekend! And for those of you that read my blog and live in the south jersey area. Please stop by Candles in the Attic located on North second street in Millville. My hand mades will be available this fall.
