
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hello out there! Did you miss me?

Hello! It has definitely been a while since I last posted.
Let me see, my children's school is closing for good. But the good news is they are going to make it a private school. They will no longer be under the diocese's thumb. Hurray! That is some well deserved good news.
  And I am still currently working on my house. I have made some Tobacco Cloth inspired drapes using 90 grade cheesecloth.  I think it is very similar and much more affordable. I also dyed them in walnut ink to give them more of  an aged look.

Pretty good don't ya think?  I also made a little trip on Saturday to a local Prim shop. Well, no.
Actually, I went with my husband to drop off the van AGAIN to be fixed. I remembered that there was a Prim shop around the corner that I never got to visit because it is only open on Friday and Saturday. But we went in and it was like heaven. I already have a shelf in mind to purchase when I get my pay check on friday. It will look perfect in the family room. Anyway,  my husband was chatting up the owner and mentioned to her that I made prims. She was very interested in seeing my work. We exchanged cards and she told me whenever I had the chance to give her a ring so I could bring my work down to the store so she could get a look at it. I am quite excited and nervous at the same time.  I don't know what to bring to her. Eeek!  So, this weekend I will pulling stuff out and quite possibly making a few things.  Wish me luck!

But I just wanted to pop back on to let you know I am still alive. I just have been extremely busy. I hope you do forgive my long absence.  But I will definitely keep you all posted.

Have a Blessed week!

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