
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Quick Question......

I have a living room that needs some furniture. I have a style of couches and chairs in mind but I don't know where to find them. The stores around here do not carry this type of furniture. So, I was thinking I may have to look in the Pennsylvania, Delaware, or Connecticut areas. Or heck, if anyone knows of a furniture store in New Jersey who sells this style let me know.
 If any bloggers from these areas knows of such stores could you tell lil ol' me where I should go?

Thanks Bunches!!!!

I am so Thankful!!!

I am a bad, bad blogger. I am sorry I have not posted as much as I should be. It seems that at my house boxes are like rabbits; they multiple like crazy!!! As soon as I finish one set of boxes, I find more!!!!! Ugh.....but oh well.
I did want to post about the most wonderful surprise I recieved in the mail. Tam from A Primitive Place Tammy sent me the most amazing goodies! I was spoiled rotten. She sent me some goodies out of the goodness of her heart. She wanted to give me some house warming gifts. And let me tell you.....they warm my house right up. I wanted to post this a little earlier but I didn't have a clean room to show you where they would be going. So, for some of the pictures I must warn you of the mess. Be careful though, it

Love this little plate!!!

This little pillow fits in perfectly with my pewter collection!!

My doll finally has a comfy pillow for her aching back :)

Thank you so much Tam!!! I truely love everything. You are such a sweet person!!! Big Hugs to you my prim friend! :)

And I  also have been working on a swapaway prize for the swapaway. When I finish it up I will start the swapaway.  So, keep posted for that. I promise it will be tons of fun and everyone will go home with something. :) Also, I have to add that one of my tutorials is going to be featured in a new online magazine! When it is ready I will post you all the link so you can read this wonderful new online magazine.

Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Trying to settle in...

Well folks, it is official. I am moved in. It feels really weird to have my own place that I can do with whatever I please.  I have always been used to military housing where you can't do much. You can't paint, you can't take down walls. You can't choose the style of your house. You get what you get and deal with it. So, this home owner thing is really very new to me. As soon as we moved in we began to paint. I mean we had too. The choice of colors were not my own and we wanted to feel like it was "our" house. And plus, I didn't want to wait until the furniture came only to have to move things around.
 As I am putting things away and placing things on the newly painted walls I notice something; my decorating style. I never really noticed it before but it is a blend of modern and country with a splash of colonial. LOL. I really want to be more colonial/prim but the old man won't let me. He says I decorate like an old lady. Uggggh! Men. But I am hoping once this mess is cleaned up I can take some pictures of my progress. And hopefully I can find my sewing machine. It is MIA right now and it's driving me nuts. I want to get back to making some things I have swirling around in my head.  That reminds me. I am going to be having a giveaway of sorts to celebrate my new house and new beginning in life.  I was thinking more of a "swapaway". I just have no luck at winning at giveaways and I know how frustrating it can be. So, my idea was to have one special person win my hand made item for the giveaway plus there will be a swap with the people who sign up in my giveaway. I know it sounds confusing but it is really simple. When I post my giveaway I will put a deadline for the swap. Once I have everyone I will give out swap partners and from those listed in the swap one lucky person will win my giveaway prize. So, in the end everyone will go home with something. :)  And for the swap it will be one handmade item of your choice. So, what do you think? Good idea? Let me know. And as soon as I find my sewing machine I will get started on the Swapaway. Hehe...

Have a great Monday everyone!