
Friday, May 27, 2011

My new home!

Well folks, this is my new home. After me talking about it so much I thought I would finally share a picture with you. It's not the greatest pic because I am using my phone to blog at the moment. But I am hoping after the move and I finally get internet I will be back to normal blogging.

Thanks for taking a peek!

Gen BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Monday, May 16, 2011

Just some thoughts from my mind.....

I know this post has nothing to do with prims. But I just wanted to write what was in my mind. I am actually writing to you from my phone because I still have no internet or house. Lol. I have been going stir crazy with not being able to create. I miss my sewing machine so much! Lol. But it has also given me so much time to reflect on myself and on others. I find with myself I need to challenge myself more artistically. I need to push myself more and not be afraid of what others may think or say. I need to stop being naive in believing everyone wants to be my friend. As I have learned quite the hard way. And that disappointments are a way of life. I may not be the most popular or the best artist there is. But hey, I know I am to me. And for now, that is good enough for me. Life is way to short to sweat the small stuff. So, I am not gonna sweat a thing.

On a brighter note..... We are looking to get into our house by the end of this month. I am really hoping to get things nice and decorated for my new picture trail. My goal for this year is to get into country sampler or a primitive place magazine. I am really hoping I can get my house featured this year. I can dream big, right?

~*hugs and blessings*~

Genevieve BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thank you!

I just wanted to pop in to tell you all "Thank you!". All your prayers and blessings sure helped me during this difficult time. I truly want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I can say I am doing much better now and am looking forward to the future. I am keeping myself busy with the closing on our first new home! I can't wait to post pictures of it. And I can't wait to have my stuff back so I can get started on some new projects. I have been finding some prim stores around here and they have inspired me to create again. It was so new to me to be able to walk into a prim store and pick up the items. They did not have any prim stores in Texas where I was. So, I almost fainted when I saw all the prim items in a store in person. Lol. I know that probably sounds really silly to most of you. But to me it was like I died and went to prim heaven. Lol!
But I just want to say thank you all again! And don't forget about me yet! I will be back to posting regularly again soon.

Gen BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop