Saturday, April 30, 2011
A Truely Sad Day...
Sorry I have not been posting as often as I should be. But last night I lost one of the greatest grandmother anyone could ever have. It was very unexpected. I had just talked to her and visited her with the kiddos. And at midnight she passed away. I am at a loss for words right now. I was so happy to finally be home and to rejoin my family. I was so glad that my kids would be able to spend more time with her because that is what she always wanted. And we even finally found a house that was close to her. So, if she ever needed anything I could help her out. But now things have changed. Dreams are broken. And my heart is broken. So, I may need a little time to heal before I can start things again. I don't mean to disappoint anyone by not writing. But I am going to need a little more time. Thanks for all your understanding.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Out with the old and in with the new....
That is my new motto for this year. I am clearing out a lot of negativity in my life. I recently read a post from my friend Tracy over at her blog The Prairie Patch. It was a very poignant post which opened my eyes to the other side of the prim community. You can read it HERE. It is very disheartening to know that there are a lot of you who are so catty and mean. And I hate to admit it but I too have felt the shunning from others in the prim community. Why? Aren't we all grown women. Doesn't the high school dramatics stop after you leave high school? I guess for most people they can not get past being bullies or "mean girls". While your antics will not stop me from doing what I love, it will hinder me from participating in forums. I have removed myself from a few. I feel they are no longer a place of enjoyment. I will just be doing my blogging and Etsy. I just can not surround myself with such negative people. I just want positive creativity and people to surround me in my life. I just wanted to get this off my chest and I thank you for taking the time to read. I hope you too can find peace and positive creativity in your life.
~*Big Hugs*~
~*Big Hugs*~
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Trying to get back into the loop.
Well, it has been a pretty slow process of finding a home. I can't do any of the things I want to do like make some easter themed items. I really want to get back into selling my items. But sigh....all my supplies and materials are packed up in storage. All I can do is dream up some things and hope I don't forget what inspired me. :( But before we moved I made something up real quick. And I just had to take it with me. I couldn't bear to see it go into storage. I wanted a free standing bunny. I improvised a pattern by using a pattern I already had. It was the snowman pattern from The Wooden Nail. I just free handed a rabbit head and "Ta Da"! A bunny.
I think he turned out alright. He He.....
I want to upload more pictures of him but this internet is giving me problems. So, I will try again a little later. I also want to thank all of you for your wonderful comments about my finally making a post and on finding a home. Your thoughts and prayers are so needed right now and I thank you all so much!! If I could hug you all I would!
Have a great weekend everyone!

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Thursday, April 7, 2011
I am back!!!!
Hello dear friends!!! I made it with all my hair still on my scalp to New Jersey. And yes, the animals did great. So much better then I thought they would do. But we are all still trying to settle in. It is going to be so much different now that my husband is out of the military. I can't wait to start living in ONE place. And I love knowing that my husband will no longer have to go overseas for months. I love having him home :). For now, we are house hunting and haven't found anything as of yet. We did put an offer in on one house that I absoultely adore. I hope we get it. It is so perfect for us. But for now, we are still looking around to find our forever home.
And as for crafting....well I can't do anything and it's driving me crazy! I feel so behind on all the crafting blogs and forums. I don't have a very good internet connection and sometimes I can never get on. So, please bear with me. I hope to share as much as I can with you all. And once I get a house I am planning on a giveaway. A really big one. So, stay tuned. Thanks for all your wonder comments! I always love to read them. They make my day.
~*Prim Blessings*~