
Thursday, February 17, 2011

An update to my Topiary tutorial

I have another example of a super easy way to create a prim topiary. I actually came across this way on accident. I was going through my floral stash to see if I could get rid of some things and I had a lot of stems with a few flowers or berries on them. I looked at the stem and thought to myself, this would be great for a topiary. So, with my scraps I created this little gem.

I used a stem from a faux berry branch that I had stripped of berries. A few stray sprigs of greenary. And some brown floral tape.

 I first cut the stem to the size I needed. Next I took the stray floral sprigs and floral tape and taped them to the top of the stem. Stuck it in a pot I already had and added some grass to the top.

And there you have it. A cute little prim topiary that was SUPER EASY to make. And all you need is some scraps you may have laying around like I did. So, save those floral stems!!!!


One year anniversary celebration giveaway going on over at Prim Pals!!!

Good morning fellow bloggers! This may be one of my last posts until the move. We have already gone through most of our stuff and purged whatever was not needed. Now I am starting to put things away in boxes. My house is starting to look strangely empty. :( But it is on to bigger and better things.(I hope)  So, I wanted to make a last post with you. Who knows, I might make one one before we leave if I am able too. So, on to the good stuff.......

The forum I belong to Prim Pals is having an anniversary giveaway. And this one is a really good one ladies!!! And I am not just saying that either. It really is. Here is what it includes:

*****Please feel free to share this button on your blogs, facebook and even tweet it if you have twitter ! These are the rules to enter Prim Pals 1 year anniversary celebration giveaway....*****

YOU MUST be a forum member

YOU MUST post or posted an introduction in the NEW MEMBERS SECTION ( we will be checking )

YOU MUST have at least 20 POSTS

YOU MUST comment over in the giveaway section at Prim Pals that you would like to be entered

YOU WILL get an extra entry for the prizes by Posting this on your blogs or facebook pages. PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT OVER AT PRIM PALS THAT YOU DID SO WE CAN CHECK and give you credit.

Winners will be announced March 8th

One GRAND PRIZE winner of a 25 dollar gift card and 5 mystery gifts will be awarded for a total of 6 prizes !

So, what are you waiting for!!!!Head on over and join in this wonderful giveaway. This is truly too good to miss!!! And tell them I sent ya!

Have a great rest of the week!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rosemary Topiary Tutorial

Hi All! Wow, these past couple of days have been horrible for me. The day after my birthday I had to go in to have my wisdom teeth removed. And from then on I have been in some pain. Plus, after which I started to experience some major headaches. Yay! Lots of fun. But I am recovering now and am slowly starting to get my crafting groove back. So, as promised here is the tutorial I said I would share. Enjoy!

What you will need:
  • A small pot or bucket or box for placing your topiary in
  • some moss or grass for covering the top of the pot
  • some fake rosemary sprigs or a similiar fake sprig of greenary
  • stick from the yard
  • hot glue and glue gun
  • drill and small drill bit
  • styrofoam for inside the pot to hold the stick in place

First you will want to place your styrofaom into your container of choice. If it doesn't fit you can always resize it by cutting away some of the edges.
Next, after finding the right stick from your yard, place some hot glue on the bottom of it and place it directly into the styrofaom.
Then you will take your rosemary sprig and start to take some of the braches off of it. Take your drill and small drill bit and start to drill a small hole into your branch. Do not go all the way through. If you do, that is ok. Don't worry about it.

 I like to start with three branches and make a triangle shape on my branch. This way I can see how to fill it out. It makes it a lot easier to know where to put branches.( I want to add that I would push down some of the lose leaves towards the middle to fill the middle and hide the top of the branch) I also, like to bend the branches up a little to give it a more natural look.

Once I think I have it full enough, I go ahead and start gluing the moss and/or grass.
Please make sure you use caution with the glue. It can get quite hot and I know from experience that it hurts like heck. So, watch your fingers please.

After you finished gluing your moss down you're finished! And now you have your very own topiary that you can display in your home for years to come. And it was easy! So, I hope you enjoy this tutorial and make one for yourself or for a friend. The only thing I ask is that if you do share this tutorial you kindly give me credit for it.


Friday, February 4, 2011

This is an Awesome Giveaway!!! Don't miss this one!

Dan over at Yesterday Once More is having an awesome giveaway. Don't let this one go by! Dan is celebrating his one year blogiversary and is having a giveaway for it. In this giveaway is a one year subscription to the APP magazine!!!!! Isn't that awesome. And if you already have a subscription you can still enter too. You will get an extra year free!!!  How cool is that. So, I had to spread the word. This is too good to pass up. So head on over and sign up!