
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New Giveaway Going On!

Casey from Olde Spoon River Homestead is having a wonderful giveaway in honor of having reached 100 followers. And this one is a really good one! So, don't miss out on this!

Included in this giveaway is: Jar lamp that says " live well, laugh often", Love much". It has painted saltbox houses on it. A candle holder . And a Primitive candle ring with cute little prim candles on it.

So, hurry on over and sign up for this wonderful giveaway hosted by Casey!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wow....been gone too long!

Wowzers! I have been away from my blog for too long. Well, I do have a good excuse. We are currently in the process of moving. Where? I don't know quite yet. But we are moving and in fact have to be out of here by March. Yikes! So, I have been a busy little bee and have been getting rid of junk and things we no longer use.  But, since I am an artist I need to create. Otherwise, I get cranky and miserable. No one wants a miserable momma. So, I made the excuse to go to Hobby Lobby.  I actually had to go to get posterboard for a project my son has to do. And I figured why not pick out a few things to work on?! I have been drooling over those primitive rosemary topiaries. I see them all over people's blogs and websites. But to me, they are way too expensive. I figured I could make one. No prob. I will just look around the web to see if anyone has a tutorial on how to make one. Nada....nothing. Oh, poo. What am I going to do. I really want to make one and if it turns out awesome make one for my sister. Thank goodness for Prim Sistas! My friend Debbie over at Prim Pals came to my rescue! She sent me great links on topiaries. Following what most of them said I came up with my version.

It's not the greatest. But I like how it came out. And best of all it cost me less then 20$! I am hoping to get a tutorial together to show you all how I made it. It was really easy peasy. So, when I get a chance this weekend I will post it. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughtfull comments! They mean the world to me!  And thanks again for reading! Can you believe it? It will be almost a year soon since I started blogging! Wow! I never in a million years would have guessed anyone would want to read my ramblings.  But thank you all who do! You get a big hug from me! Oh, almost forgot. I finally did get that pie safe! Yay! It isn't in the greatest condition but it has good bones and my husband said he can refinish it. When that will be is another post. LOL. I may have to find a place that will help me accomplish that. But I will post pics of it in another post. Right now it is in our garage and I can't get in there. It's a maze of boxes.  But I promise to post pics as soon as I can get in there.


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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wow...I am late! Warning this may be very long.

Hello all! I just want to say Happy New Year to you! Boy, my holiday was sure busy. I hope yours was too. I have to update you all on so many things. Where to begin? Well, for starters, my husband and I purchased P90x for Christmas. We both want to lose some weight badly and thought this was probably the best way to go. Let me tell is no easy workout. I am still sore! And I am only on day 5. Not only are the exercises challenging but there is a meal plan too. I am all for fish and veg and lean meats. My kids and husband, not so much. So meal time is a little tricky.
 Also, we celebrated my middle son's birthday on the first. He turned 6! Where has my baby gone?! They are growing up way too fast! And soon after I slowly took down all my Christmas things. It is so depressing. I really miss not having the Christmas decorations up. I am still working on taking the outside stuff down. I have to put the lights away and it is such a chore. Who wants to do it for me? LOL.  After putting things away I started tweaking my other things around. Plus, I have to make room for something I am going to pick it up on Saturday. I don't want to say what it is yet. I don't want to jinx it. I'll post pictures of it when I get it. But I am sooooooooooooo happy to finally have one!!!!!! It's my birthday gift. Well, my pre-birthday gift. My birthday isn't until the 27th, but who's counting?

Primitive and Folk Artists
Plus, I am super excited to announce this awesome Etsy Team I have joined Primitive and  Folk Artists (PAFA). It has a group of very talented ladies and you are invited to join too!!! It is a great team with lots of ideas and promotions to get your shop and items noticed.  So, tell your friends. Have your friends tell friends. The more people the more exposure your shop and items will get. Just click the name and it will take you directly there. I hope you do join!

And in closing( this post is getting long, I am afraid I lost a few of you) I just want to ask for your prayers for me and my family. As you might know, my husband is getting out of the military(Yay!) And currently he is trying to find a job for when our time here is done. So far, it is not looking very good and the stress of this has gotten to him. I just ask for your prayers that God will grant him with a job and security for when we depart from here. Also, I ask that you say a little prayer for me too. I too have been going through some personal struggles and would love your spiritual support. Thank you all for reading! You are all so wonderful!


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License