Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Awesome giveaway going on!
Maria over at the Star Rug Company is having the most wonderful giveaway! You don't want to miss this one. She is giving away the hooked rug pictured above. Isn't it beautiful! So head on over to her blog and sign up to win this beautiful rug! She will be announcing the winner Dec. 7th!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
My beautiful ornies from the Prim Pals Swap
Aren't they just the greatest! I love them all and will cherish them every year. I can't wait for next year to take part of this great swap. I had so much fun making and receiving them. I just wanted to share my goodies. I am still in the process of getting all my Christmas stuff out. I don't know but this year I have not been too excited about getting everything out. I think it is because of the transition out of the military we will be experiencing soon. So, I have been feeling blah...... But I am hoping that once I get my Christmas village out I will feel better.
I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving! I know I did! And I just want to remind you all again that I have a coupon for my shop. It's for 10 % off your order. Just head on over to my previous post to find out how you can receive your 10 % off.
~*Prim Blessings*~

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I have a special going on at my Etsy Shoppe!!
Hey all! If you are a follower of my blog or facebook page,or twitter then I have a special coupon for you! Take 10% off any item in my store when you use the code JINGLE10. Just put that in the redeem coupon box at check out and you get 10 % off your purchase. A great sale just in time for the Holidays!
So head on over to my Etsy Shoppe Olde Pear Primitives!
Happy Holidays!!
So head on over to my Etsy Shoppe Olde Pear Primitives!
Happy Holidays!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Well, I did not attend the flea market last Saturday. I had a major sinus headache and wasn't feeling too well. That's alright, there is always next time. But on a good note.....My Santa shelf sitter is quite a hit with everyone. After I posted it I got a few emails on purchasing them. Well, you win. I am going to start selling them in my Etsy Shoppe. I also have another idea for one I am going to work on. I am going to make a father frost one. He is going to be blue with lots of snow and sparkles! So, for those of you interested in one, just email me. Look for the tab on the top. I had to hid it b/c I was getting a lot of spam. But just drop me a line because I haven't put it in my shoppe as of yet. I need to grab some more supplies before I do so I can make some more. But for those of you who need him now(lol) just drop me a line and I'll put you down for one. Oh, and before I forget. Don't forget to sign up for my giveaway over at Prim Pals. Don't sign up for the giveaway here. It will not count. You have to head on over to Prim Pals and sign up.
But I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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Friday, November 19, 2010
Ho, Ho, Ho......
This is a little something I worked on yesterday. It is a Santa shelf sitter. I thought he came out pretty darn nice. I am torn about whether or not I want to sell him. He looks so nice in my cupboard! I probably will take him with me to the flea market tomorrow. See if anyone will like him. I am hoping to make another one. But I have to wait till after the flea market though. I want to make sure I have enough funds to buy materials. Anyway, I will try and remember to take my camera and to take pictures. I have a nasty habit of forgetting my camera at times when you want to capture the moment forever. But I will TRY to bring it. I want to say thank you all for your wonderfully sweet comments yesterday about my loss. And by loss I mean the pie safe. LOL. But you guys put my feelings into perspective and I want to say "Thank You". They really meant a lot to me. So, on that note.....Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

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Thursday, November 18, 2010
Update on the pie safe.
Well, it looks like I won't be getting the pie safe for Christmas. Boo Hoo. I was trying all morning yesterday to get in contact with the woman who had it but she never returned my responses. Later on in the evening she informed me she had sold it already to a buyer who came by that morning with cash in hand. Thanks lady. Oh well, I can only hope it has a termite infestation and disintegrates in a few years. One can hope.....Ok let me stop being grumpy. But I still secretly hope it has something wrong with it! Maybe another one will cross my path and it will be better then the one that got away. That is what I am going to keep telling myself. Well, I just wanted to let you all know. I am going to go back to looking on Craig's list. I really love craig's list. It is the best thing ever. I have found a lot of great things people are willing to give away or sell for unbelievable prices. But I always have my husband go with me. You can't really trust people's intentions out there. But so far I have come across some really nice people. I don't think Abilene has too many mean people. Or maybe I haven't come across them. But you should really check out Craig's list. Check out the FREE section. People are trying to get rid of great stuff all the time. You would be surprised. But thanks again ladies for all your great suggestions on how to convince my husband into getting me the pie safe. I think I am going to write them down and save them for when I come across another one! LOL.
Have a great Thursday everyone!

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Have a great Thursday everyone!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Look what I got!
I joined in on the swap hosted by Wendy over at Ravenwood Whimzies. And let me tell you, it was so much fun! My swap partner was Susan over at Clucklebees. She made me the cutest pair of sheep! And the cutest ornie of a shepard in the field with his sheep! Susan, I don't know if you follow my blog. But I just want to say how thrilled I was to get a box from you! You make the best prim items! I just adore your work and I am so happy I was partnered up with you. I am so sorry I didn't post this sooner. I have been under the weather. My sinuses have been acting poopy and I feel horrible. But it is a little better today. So, I wanted to share with you all my swap. Thank you so much Susan!!!! Plus, I joined in on another swap over at Prim Pals. I am anxiously awaiting for that package to arrive. We have sooooooooooo many talented girls over at the forum. I can't wait to see what everyone made so I can put them on my tree.
Also, if you haven't got a chance to head over to Prim Pals you should. I am hosting a special giveaway over there. It is for one of my snowman that I made from a Wooden Nail pattern. He is too cute to pass up. So, if you would like to enter my giveaway please head on over to Prim Pals sign up and post your favorite Christmas memory in the giveaway thread. And that's it!
inside of door panel |
door panel |
Excuse my messy table. |
Have a great hump day!!!!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
You will never guess what I found at the Goodwill!!!!
Last weekend my husband, kids and I went on a drive around town before going to church. My husband noticed that they had opened a new Goodwill downtown. This one was pretty big. And as any good husband would do, he asked if I wanted to stop in and take a peek. Well, of course I dragged everyone inside to take a look around. I wanted to see if they had any wool skirts or coats that I could possibly use for my crafts. Well, I did find one skirt. But I guess that is pretty good being that I am in Texas, mind you. But I also found a mail, key holder that I will be painting for my sister-in-law. She wanted one for her kitchen and asked me to paint her one with grapes and wine on it. It's a nice one, but thankfully my husband was with me because inside it was a dead black widow. It was big, gross, and dead. But gross. Really gross. Did I mention I am afraid of spiders. I just about ran out of the store. But after it was disposed of I calmly walked around to see if there was anything else of interest and spider free. My kids dragged me over to the toys section(Ugh, like we don't have enough already) to try to convince me into buying them a toy. But something caught my eye. A fabric foot was sticking out from under some teddy bears. I pulled it out and about squealed with delight. It was a prim raggedy ann doll. It was handmade and signed!!!! It still even had a card on it from the person who made it. Now, let me tell you it is extremely hard to find or even come by anything prim here in Texas. So, I grabbed it and made a b-line for my hubby. When I told him what I found he politely( insert sarcastic laugh) rolled his eyes at me and looked at me like I was crazy. But who cares. Do you want to know what I spent on it?
That's right .99!!!!! I couldn't believe it. Here is a picture of her.
And here is a picture of the card that was pinned on her. I tried to find this woman's website. Or if she had a website. I can't find anything. I really love this doll and I was interested in finding out what other dolls she had to offer. I kinda feel bad in a way that I paid so little for such a lovely doll that was signed and hand stitched. It makes me wonder if the things I stitch and sell will one day find there way to a Goodwill store. Not that there is anything wrong with them. I love finding treasures at Goodwill or Salvation Army. It's just a little sad. Oh well, I just wanted to share with all of you my awesome find. I just couldn't keep it to myself!
Have a lovely Wednesday!

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Monday, November 8, 2010
I was featured in an Etsy Treasury!!!!
Well, today to my surprise after checking my email I found out my cinnamon star ornaments were featured in a treasury! How cool is that. I have never been featured for anything before in my life. So, this is a great accomplishment for me. I am so honored and delighted that someone thought so highly of one of my items to have them featured in their treasury. The name of the treasury is A Country Christmas which was posted by Ashton's Attic. Thank you so much sweetheart!
You can see the treasury Here.
And also visit Ashton's Attic Shop Here.
You can see the treasury Here.
And also visit Ashton's Attic Shop Here.
Friday, November 5, 2010
It's Swap Time!!!!
It's that time again! Prim Pals is having another swap. It's a Home For The Holidays theme this time. Which means Christmas themed items. Yay! I love Christmas and if you do too head on over to the forum and sign yourself up! It's gonna be a lot of fun and there are sooooooooo many talented ladies. Their goodies are always fantastic! So what are you waiting for? Go on, sign up! Hurry though. Sign ups end Nov. 11th.
Just posted some more Christmas goodies in my etsy shoppe!!
Head on over to check them out! I will try to post some more Christmas items in my store today also. But from the looks of it it might be at midnight. I still have lots of housework to finish up. And to list stuff takes me FOREVER. I wish it could list itself sometimes. But anyways, go check them out and let me know what you think.
~*Prim Blessings*~

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