
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Orange Pomander Ball Ornament Tutorial

I know this is a little early. But I thought I would share on how I make my pomander ornaments with you all. It's pretty easy. And I think anyone can do this. So, let's begin!

What you will need:
  • A bag of artifical oranges. Or any type of artifical orange of your choice.
  • Cloves.
  • Brown Shoe Polish
  • Drill and Small Drill bit
  • Clear Nail Polish
  • Eyelets
  • String

*I just want to add that these oranges didn't come with eyelets in them. I didn't take a picture of them before I ripped open the bag and started on them. Ooops!*

First, I purchased a bag of  artifical oranges from HL. They came in different sizes and I liked that because I didn't want them all to be the same size on my tree. But you can purchase oranges anywhere and whatever size you would like. I have a smaller tree that I put these on so I went with a smaller orange.

*If you notice I rubbed the brown shoe polish all over then wiped it off leaving alot of it in the crannies.*
Second, I rubbed brown shoe polish all over them. I made sure to get it in the nooks and crannies. It doesn't have to be completely brown. You just want it to look old and dry. Then let dry overnight.
*I couldn't get a very clear picture of the hole. It is directly under the eyelet.*

Third, I took my drill with a small bit and made holes in the orange. This is extremely helpful when you want to put the cloves in. If not you will end up braking them trying to push them in. I went with a drill bit that was smaller then the clove itself. I did this so I would not have to use glue to keep them in. But if you want to really secure them in place, go ahead and dip them in glue before you push into the orange. I didn't draw a pattern on my orange for my cloves. I just freehanded the drilling. But if you need reference you can use my pictures of my ornaments as your guide.

Fourth, After I finished pushing all my cloves into the orange I took my clear nail polish and brushed it onto each clove. I noticed that if I slightly touched the bud it would fall apart. So, to prevent this I brushed clear nail polish on them to keep them intact.

*Style A*
Lastly I took my small eyelet and pushed it in the top of my orange. You can do this in the begining if you like also. Once it is in place take your string and thread it through. And you're done! You now have a orange pomander for your tree. And it will last for years to come!
*Style B*
*Style C*

*Style D*

I hope you enjoy this tutorial and have fun making your pomaders.

~Prim Blessings~

*I also want to add that you can also use these as bowl fillers too!*

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Monday, September 27, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas........

LOL.....yes. I am crazy for Christmas. And yes, I do have a tree up. LOL. But I have been working on some Christmas items and here is one of them. This is Stumpy. He is a pretty daper snowman if I do say so myself. He might want a nice cool home if anyone is interested. He is pretty easy to make and he is of my own design. Oh, and I have also been making some orange pomader ball ornaments for decorating your tree. Well, at the moment my tree *he he*. I am thinkin of putting up a tut on how to make them. But for now, here is Stumpy. Have a blessed week!


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Friday, September 24, 2010

Thought I would share some fall displays around my home.

After seeing everyone else get into the spirit of Autumn, I thought I would share some of my displays. Mind you it is not much. I am more of a Christmas gal. Just wait for those pics! But I wanted to share a bit with you to help to inspire you into the season.




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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Come join in on these great swaps!

Wendy@ Ravenwood Whimzies

Hello everyone! There are some great swaps going on and I would like to invite you all to join. First off the forum I belong to Prim Pals is having a first annual Christmas Ornie Swap. It is going to be so much fun! And these ladies are super talented, let me tell you. But you must me a member to join. So, head on over to Prim Pals and join in on the fun!
And the next one is over at Ravenwood Whimzies. Wendy is also having a Christmas Ornie swap going on. This one is a great one too and you should join in so you don't miss out. So, head on over to both and sign up. It will be a blast!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sorry For Being Absent.....Again!

Well, things round here have sure been busy. With the kids in school you would think I would have more time to be making things and sewing up a storm. But I haven't. To be honest I have been quite afraid to do so. Reason for that is, I had a great passion and great enthusiasm for creating and making primitive items. I love to do it. I really do, but I have not sold any of my creations I am selling. I have sold two things off the side that I was not advertising as for sale. You would think I would be happy with that, right? No, I am really dissappointed in myself as an artist and business woman. I guess I am not as good a business woman as I thought I was. So, before you tell me "It's the economy, no one is buying anything." let me say that there are people out there who are. They are buying, just nothing of mine and it is completely frustrating to have not sold anything. Well, I have been thinking of stopping after Christmas. I think it is for the best. I won't be able to afford to continue it and plus we will be getting out into the civilian world pretty soon so saving is key.
Hopefully, I will make something this Christmas and after my fall sale. I am thinking of having one Oct. 8th. 15 % off all my fall items. 
Sorry for ranting. I just had this bottled up for awhile. just so frustrating to do something you love and not even be able to make a profit from it.  Lesson learned. Anyway my friends, don't let me get you down. I just wanted to let you all know I was still around. Just been down in the dumps but around. Hopefully, next post I can show you some of my fall arrangements I have in my home right now and an update on my Christmas items I have been some what working on. Blah.....

Well, have a great week everyone! And thanks for listening to my rants. LOL. :)

~*Blessings from my family to yours!*~

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Just Posted a new item for sale over at Olde Pear Primitives Shoppe!

I have just posted this wonderful paper towel holder. Note the items pictured are not included. But go check it out and all of my other great prim items.

Thanks so much!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Another Re-do!!!

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great labor day weekend. I am so far. And I wanted to share with you all my project my husband did. Yes, I wrote that right. My husband did this one by himself. And I must say I am so proud of him. He did a great job!!!! I love my dry sink sooooooooooo much better now.
We compromised on how to re-do it. I wanted it painted and he wanted the wood left alone. So, like with any marriage you compromise. And my husband did both. he painted it and re-finished the wood. How awesome did it come out!!!!!
I just love how it came out. I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License