
Saturday, July 31, 2010

I think it's time for my giveaway, what do you think?

Well, I have 93 followers so far. So, I think it is fair to start my giveaway now. When I reach 100 followers I will stop and pull a winner. Ok, now to the nitty gritty. Here are the steps for this giveaway.
  1. You must be a follower of my blog. If you sign up now that is ok. But you must be a follower.

    2.)You must be a resident of the US. I don't ship outside the US. Sorry.
  2.                               3.) Post my giveaway on your blog.                4.) For an extra entry in this giveaway you can go to my Etsy link and heart my shop. Once there, tell me what your favorite item is. ( just click on my etsy box to the right. It should take you to my shop.) Let me know you did this so I can put your name in twice. 5.) Only post your entry on this post. If you post anywhere else it won't count. 6.) Please leave your email if you don't have a blog. I need to contact you somehow if you are a winner                                                                                                                                                                                       .
And that's it! Well, good luck everyone! Oh, and what's in it you ask? Well:
And that's it. You get Lenore the witchy raven, pumpkin pin keep, prim pumpkin, grungy light wrapped in prim cheese cloth (tin is not included), fall harvest black beeswax tarts(they smell sooooooooooo yummy!)
and a mystery item!
Good luck to all who enter!
and the giveaway ends when I reach 100 followers!



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I finished up my Blair Doll!

And here she is! This is my first prim doll ever! I must mention that I just started sewing. Really, I did. I have been watching You-Tube videos and trying to Google whenever I get stuck. This is Blair the witch with her little kitty, Miss G.  This sure took me a while to make but I did it.  Thanks for taking a peek! Oh, and I am almost there on getting 100 followers. 87 followers so far. So, get the word out! And thanks for all of those who have. I truely appreciate it! Hugs to you all!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ok, here is what I am working on now!

Well, here is part of what I am working on. Her name is Blair. She is my witch head. I am not sure if I should put her on a bobbin or just attempt to make her a body. The thought is scary. I never really attempted to make a doll before. Maybe, I might put this one on a bobbin and make another one but with a body. Not sure yet. I may have to find some courage. LOL. But I thought I would share. And I am still going to have my giveaway. I have 86 followers so far! Only 14 more! Yippee! So, hopefully soon I will post the giveaway and all the rules for it. I am so excited on this one. It is my first one and it is a good one! Lots of great goodies! Thanks for taking a peek! Have a great week everyone!



Here are a few more shots of Blair:

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ok, here are some goodies for the 100th follower giveaway!

I thought I would show you some of the things I am working on for the giveaway. Note: These are not all the final products that will be included. I have some other things lined up also to go in it. What is in it are the following:
Lenore the witchy raven pet of Edgar Allen Poe.
Grungy fall pumpkin
Primitive, grungy tea light wrapped in grungy cheesecloth
Pumpkin pin keep( The one pictured is not the exact one in the giveaway. I am not finished with it yet but this one I used for an example)
Pumpkin harvest scented tarts
And a surprise item!
I just wanted to post some pictures so you could have an idea of what to expect. I hope to get more followers so I can have this wonderful giveaway for all of you!
Have a great weekend everybody!

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Change my mind on the giveaway!

Well, I was going to have one for my grand opening of my Etsy shop. But, I have not finished getting it together and my other stuff for my shop. Soooooooooooooooo, I am going to have a 100th follower giveaway instead. This will give me more time to get it all together. And it will be a nice one! I have lots of stuff lined up for it. So, get the word out. Once I have 100 followers I will have the giveaway! Thanks for following and reading my blog!


Look at what I got from Cathy over at The Finicky Feline Blog!

I go this sweet little cubby from Cathy over at The Finicky Feline. It came with the kitty, PLUS she threw in this yummy scented candle. Oh man, I wish you guys could smell it. So yummy! I just love the cubby. It is the perfect size to tuck on a bench or a table. It is absolutly wonderful. Cathy, you have some talent for sure. I just love it. Thanks a bunch chickie! So, go check out her selling blog The Finicky Feline Selling Blog. She has lots of great goodies for your prim home! And they are at great prices too! Who can beat that? What are you waiting for? Go check it out.

Thanks again Cathy! I really love my cubby!

Here are some more pictures with my raven I just finished. He will be listed in my Etsy shop soon.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Freebies Tab

Hey guys, I added a freebies tab on the top. It has all my latest freebies for you to use. I figured this would be better then in a post. Enjoy! And have a great weekend!

~* Prim Blessings To All*~

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Drum roll Please!

Yes ladies, I did it. I went ahead and opened my shop. I was very hesitant to do it. To be honest I did not think people would like my stuff. And if they bought it, they might not find it good enough. So, that is what took me so long. I am very hard on myself. I have to learn not to be. But anyways, I have a few things so far. I am trying to add more. And as promised, I will be hosting a giveway! Yay! I promise it will be a good one! I'll probably be posting that by Friday. Fingers crossed. So, if you want you can check out my store. Tell me what you think. And I want to say thank you for your patience. Oh, and before I forget. I will have a selling blog too. I have some things I can't sell on Etsy so I have to put them on my blog.

Here's the link to my etsy shop:


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Mailman Cometh...

Well, I just got my Christmas in July goodies I won from Tammy over at A Primitive Place~Tammy. I would have bombarded the mailman, but my dogs never let me get to the door. They have to be first. LOL. But I did finally get out to get my package. Man, I am one lucky girl. They are better in person! Wow Tammy, you did an amazing job! You are so talented! I admire your work and am in awe of it. WOW, is all I can say. Man, I can't wait for Christmas though. I have some new decorations now that I can put out. I am so excited. What month is it? July? Poo. Only 5 more months to go till Christmas. Oh well, I will just have to wait. But I just wanted to share my goodies with all of you. Thanks again Tammy! I truely love them all! Especially the crow in the mitten! Too cute!


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Friday, July 9, 2010

Forgot to post this!

Well, it seems that my hubby has caught the crafting bug.  He made this using an ugly wall hanging I had got from the Salvation Army. The other one I used for a sign. I'll have to post a pic later.
But isn't it wonderful! He did such a good job! He made this for the Major that was retiring. And my husband told me that he was blown away by it. I would be too! So, I think now he understands my excitement for making new things.  LOL.

Here he is. Back off ladies he's mine. LOL.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I won, I won, I won!

I won! I can't believe it. I entered a giveaway over at A Primitive Place~ Tammy. It was a Christmas in July giveaway. I had to enter it because the goodies were so wonderful! And I just love Christmas decorations!  Just look at that crow in the mitten. Isn't he just the cutest? I can't wait to get my package. Tammy you make some wonderful goodies! Everytime I go on your blog I am always inspired.  You should go and check her blog out too. It really is a great blog. Thanks so much! Yay! I still can't believe I won!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Some Labels I made...

Here are some labels I made fooling around with Paint Pro Shop.
I figured some of you may be able to use them. I am offering them to you for free. Just all I ask is that you do not use them on a sheet to sell them as your own. You can use them for personal or business use. Enjoy! ( You may need to resize them if they are too big for your project.)

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