- You must be a follower of my blog. If you sign up now that is ok. But you must be a follower.
2.)You must be a resident of the US. I don't ship outside the US. Sorry.
3.) Post my giveaway on your blog.
4.) For an extra entry in this giveaway you can go to my Etsy link and heart my shop. Once there, tell me what your favorite item is. ( just click on my etsy box to the right. It should take you to my shop.) Let me know you did this so I can put your name in twice.
5.) Only post your entry on this post. If you post anywhere else it won't count.
6.) Please leave your email if you don't have a blog. I need to contact you somehow if you are a winner .
And that's it. You get Lenore the witchy raven, pumpkin pin keep, prim pumpkin, grungy light wrapped in prim cheese cloth (tin is not included), fall harvest black beeswax tarts(they smell sooooooooooo yummy!)
and a mystery item!
Good luck to all who enter!
and the giveaway ends when I reach 100 followers!

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