
Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Americana Swap Goodies From Sharon

I had joined the Ameriacana Swap on the Prim Pals forum and boy did I get spoiled. Sharon you certainly outdid yourself sweetie. Everything in the box was so wonderful. Here is what I got:

The wonderful pear and crow ornament!
The flag and crow ornaments!
This wonderful primtastic spoon!

The americana heart.

This wonderful yummy smelling wax tarts! She also added in some crows and pears! I just adore them so!
These wondeful petite grubby candles. (how do you do it?) They are wonderful. I love them!

The Flag and star cupboard tucks. They go perfect in my sifter!

This adorable prim american flag angel. Please ignore my messy entertainment center.LOL.

And last but not least this wonderful metal basket with flag tea towel. And the wax pears and americana note pad and napkins! Thank you Sharon! I truely loved everything you picked out for me! Prim hugs to you!

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Sorry For Being Absent.....

Well, my husband is back home from his Uncle's funeral. He is coping much better. He is just glad to know he is not in anymore pain. And I want to thank you all for your prayers and comments. They were so needed this past week. Thanks girls. But onto a happier note... I was browsing craigslist and boy did I find something good! I have been wanting a dry sink for the longest. And there she was in all her dusty glory. She was calling out to me "Take me home, get me out of this garage!" So, I asked my husband who was in Florida for the funeral at the time. He was reluctant to say yes. But I dropped "I'll make brownies!" line. And he caved. So, with three kids and a van I was on a mission to retrieve this beauty. I dropped by the owners house and they loaded into my van. As I was driving I was thinking "How the heck am I gonna get this into the house?". But my seven year old son and I managed to lug it in the house. It had wheels on the bottom so it helped too. But here are the pictures. I am planning on either re staining it or painting it completely. And I want to put new hardware on it. What do you think?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

It's Been a Sad Week

Well, my husbands uncle passed last Friday. My husband flew back home Saturday to attend the funeral which was today. Ugg....what a week. I totally feel his loss. I just lost my Grammy a year ago and I know how he feels. It really is draining and depressing. But the good thing is, he is there with his family and they are all together.
 But on a happy note I am planning to open a selling blog and possibly an esty shop. But for the selling blog I am gonna celebrate the grand opening with a giveaway. I haven't put anything together yet. But when I do I will post it. So, keep a look out. But anyway, thank you for all your sweet comments and prayers. I do so appreciate everything everyone writes me. So, thank you all.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Please Excuse My Absence....

I may not be posting for awhile. My husbands uncle is dying from cancer and he doesn't have many days left. It has spread rather quickly and he is in alot of pain. We are just waiting for the call. So, I am sorry if I do not post. I am trying to comfort my husband the best way I know how. But I don't think it will ever be enough. I hate to hear that his uncle is in so much pain. And I hate to see how it is effecting my husband and his family. I wish there was something I can do. So, I am sorry my prim pals if I go MIA. But I promise I will be back. Thank you for understanding.


Monday, June 7, 2010

My Wonderful May Happiness Swap Goodies

I received my may goodies from my pen pal Kenzie. Wow.....all I can say is wow. When I open my package and saw the doll wrapped up I was so excited. I always wanted one. But when I unwrapped it.....omg...I started to cry. In her arms she was holding a bag with my business logo on it. And three little pears in side the bag. I cried I was so touched. She had made it so personal. I absolutely love the doll. And the room spray is to die for. It smells so good. As soon as I got it out of the box I went spraying away throughout the house. My house smells so yummy! And the candle box and candle(which also smells so good) is so perfect. The soap and three pictures I absolutely adore too. Everything in it was put together with great thought. I absolutely love it all.  I just had to share with all of you my great goodies. And you should go over to Prim Pals(there link is on my side bar) and sign up for one. I had a blast in making a new prim sister and making a goody box for her and getting an awesome one in return. So, go check out the forum!

More Pics:

She looks perfect on my bench. I got rid of the other crap I had on there. I think I found my arrangement now!  I just love her!

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

My New, Old Bench

Well, I saved this bench from the garbage man. It actually had a heart cutout on the front and back of it. I had my husband remove the front and back pieces and make new ones. He even made the bottom shelf on it to make it more sturdy. Then I made my magic on it. Doesn't it look great! And it was free! Sorry the pictures aren't the greatest. It is in my hallway and I had a heck of a time trying to get a good picture of it. But the stuff on top of it is just temporary. I haven't found the grouping for it yet. LOL.

Here it is in the hallway outside my bedroom door. I had to squeeze up against the wall to get a good picture. But I just wanted to share with you my bench my hubby helped me spruce up.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License